Google+ 2008/03 - Lee Li's Speculator Ponders


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股市競爭比戰場還激烈,要買什麼股票?要賣什麼股票?必須要有一一致性、完備性且是決定性的公設(postulate)或公理(axiom)做為股市戰場的作戰準則 --- 低買高賣。


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Lee Li:你認為應該多少? 這類似問你:你辦公室裡的同事有人跟你同一天生日的機率有多大一樣, 只差別於受測的樣本數大小而已。我推論外星生命存在的機率應該是1 , 因為久遠以來,地球上時有所聞UFO的出現(請參閱本文下半段的影像、圖片及連結報導);另外依據機率論等相關數理的推論,其得到的機率也是1,下面是我的algorithm

F(數學;天文學; 生物學)



M = Sum(Xi) :
宇宙中的行星總數量N = Sum(Yj) : 宇宙中的恆星總數量
n : 宇宙中的星團(類似銀河系)總數量 Xi : i 恆星系(類似太陽系)裡的行星(類似地球)數量 , i = 1,2,3,4.............N
Yj : j星團(類似銀河系)裡的恆星(類似太陽)數量 , j = 1,2,3,4.............n
n , Yj 無限大 → N → 無限大→ M → 無限大

註: 依天文學家推估,宇宙中的星團(

R1 :恆星系適合生命生存的行星數量/恆星系行星總數量(類似地球的行星)
R2 :生命DNA在適合生存的行星上生存的機率( 類似生命DNA發生於地球上)
0 < R1 , R2 < 1

P1(恆星系裡某一行星出現生命的機率) = R1*R2

P2(恆星系裡某一行星未出現生命的機率) = 1 P1 = 1 R1*R2

P3(宇宙中所有行星皆未出現生命的機率) =P2**M = (1 R1*R2)**M
P(宇宙中某一行星出現生命的機率)=1 P3 = 1 (1 R1*R2)**M

0<R1*R2<10<(1R1*R2)<1Lim(1R1*R2)**M=0, as M→ 無限大

P(宇宙中某一行星出現生命的機率) =1─ (1─ R1*R2)**M = 1

地球外的行星有生命存在的機率 = 1












新頭殼newtalk 2013.04.19 符芳碩/綜合報導

所謂的「宜居區」,指的是該地區與恆星距離適中,讓表面達到理論上有液態水的適宜溫度,甚至可能有少許大氣,適合讓生物生存的區域。在克卜勒-62行星系 的5顆行星中,有克卜勒-62e、62f符合條件;只有2顆行星的克卜勒-69系統內,也有克卜勒-69c位在宜居區裡。
克卜勒-62系統位於天琴座內,離地球約1200光年,其中克卜勒-62e、62f圍繞著一顆比太陽略小、溫度也較低的恆星公轉,是行星系內最外圍的2顆 行星。而62e體積比地球大60%、62f更是僅比地球大40%,比以往找到的動輒2.5倍到10倍大的「超級地球」還要小得多;此外,兩者受到的熱量輻 射也僅是地球的1.2倍和0.4倍,可能由岩石組成的背景也使得克卜勒-62f成為最像地球的一顆系外類地行星。
科學家目前無法確認行星上是否有生命存在,但此次發現向找到和太陽系及地球相似的居住地又更近了一步。「發現這些位於宜居區的類地行星,讓找到類似家園的 任務更接近完成」,美國太空總署科學任務委員會副主任格倫斯菲爾德(John Grunsfeld)說,「目前看來,我們再一陣子就能知道,到底是地球屬於異數,還是事實上在銀河系中有一堆像地球的行星」。
克卜勒任務是NASA藉太空望遠鏡,以檢測是否有行星凌日的方式來發現圍繞在其他恆星的類地行星,克卜勒太空船於2009年3月6日發射,預計花3.5年 的時間來檢測。目前克卜勒任務仍正在檢測近15萬顆恆星,並已經發現2740顆類似地球的「候選行星」,地面的檢測人員則再透過各種技術分析,確認了 122顆既位於「宜居帶」又相似於地球的行星,這次發現的克卜勒-62f更是任務以來最像地球的一顆行星。

NASA's Kepler Discovers Its Smallest 'Habitable Zone' Planets to Date



Down in the River to Pray Amazing Grace

Hayley Westenra(At St James Theatre Wellington, New Zealand when she was 17 years old)

Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray. Studying about that good ol' way. And who shall wear the robe & crown? Good Lord show me the way.

O brothers let's go down. Let's go down, come on down. O brothers, let's go down. Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray. Studying about that good ol' way. And who shall wear the starry crown? Good Lord show me the way.

O sisters let's go down. Let's go down, come on down. O sisters let's go down. Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray. Studying about that good ol' way. And who shall wear the starry crown? Good Lord show me the way.

O sisters let's go down, let's go down, come on down. O sisters, let's go down.Down in the river to pray.

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now, I see.
T'was Grace that heart to fear.And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares...we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...and Grace will lead us home.

When we've been here ten thousand years...bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...then when we've first begun.



Lee Li:

By P =K* R1/(R2*R3)
股價已提前在往下修正中 ← 電子資訊等外銷產品的實質營收獲利將衰退 ←

  • 由於食品油料等民生必需品的價格持續調漲,加上次級房貸風暴及其蔓延效應的衝擊 ,致使美國一般家庭對其他項目的購買力也跟著減少以節省開支(參閱下文AP的新聞報導)。
  • 此造成相關廠商外銷至美國市場的當期產品銷售營收減少為比較基期的R1倍,同期間台幣升值R2倍、台灣物價指數上升R3倍,則當期的廠商外銷營收轉換回台灣市場價值(即為實質購買力)將降為R1/(R2*R3)倍。
  • K: 本益比環比參數
US Ponders: How Deep Is Economic Abyss?

Monday March 24, 7:29 am ET

How Deep Is Economic Abyss, Americans Ask As They Face Stream of Bad Financial News

NEW YORK (AP) -- For months, Americans have been subjected to a sort of economic water torture -- a maddening drip of bad news about jobs, gas prices, sagging home values, creeping inflation, the slouching dollar and a stock market in bumpy descent.
Then came Bear Stearns. One of the five largest U.S. investment banks nearly collapsed in a single day before the government propped it up by backing emergency loans and a rival stepped in to buy it for a paltry $2 per share.
To the drumbeat of signs that seemed to foretell a traditional recession, this added a nightmarish specter -- an old-style run on the bank, customers clamoring to pull their cash, a stately Wall Street firm brought to its knees.
The combination has forced the economy to the forefront of the national conversation in a way it has not been since the go-go 1990s, and for entirely opposite reasons.
As economists and Wall Street types grope for historical perspective -- which is another way of saying a road map out of this mess -- Americans are nervously wondering about retirement savings, interest rates, jobs that had seemed safe.
They are surveying the economic landscape and asking: Just how bad is it?
They are peering over the edge and asking: How far down?
And the scariest part of all? No one can say for sure.
Even before the crippling of Bear Stearns, the U.S. economy was acting as a slowly tightening vise -- an interconnected web of factors combining to squeeze Americans from all sides.
Take Jaci Rae of Salinas, Calif. She runs a company, Luco Sport, that sells golf bags and accessories. The merchandise is made with foam, which is based on petroleum, so record oil prices have taken a heavy toll.
On the other end, her clients are feeling the pinch, too, and cutting back. Sales to retail clients are an eighth of what they were a year ago. So Rae had to cut five of her 20 employees loose.
Now the company isn't buying products as far in advance. With gas prices running high, she waits for shipping companies to pick up products from her headquarters instead of having an employee drop them off.
She is nickel-and-diming expenses at home, too. She eats in every night, has stopped going on road trips to visit her family, dropped her satellite dish and canceled her monthly Blockbuster movie rental.
"I want to make sure I have enough money to feed my family," Rae says.
Signs of the pinch are showing up everywhere:
--By the end of 2007, 36 percent of consumers' disposable income went to food, energy and medical care, a bigger chunk of income than at any time since records were first kept in 1960, according to Merrill Lynch.
--People are treating themselves less often. The National Restaurant Association says 54 percent of restaurants reported declining traffic in January, and the government says eating at home increased last year for the first time since 2001.
--Financial planners say that more than ever, parents are calling for advice on how to deal with grown children who have moved back in with Mom and Dad after losing a job or just to save money.
--Less trash is being set on the curbs of Mesa, Ariz., where surging home foreclosures are leaving more houses empty. That means fewer homeowners paying the city $22.60 a month for pickup. And William Black, the city's solid-waste management director, says people aren't throwing out as many appliances and bulk items, like furniture. They're sticking with what they have.
On top of an economy that was already groaning under the weight of a downturn, Bear Stearns came down like an anvil.
It tied together so much of what's wrong with today's economy -- the housing crash, the credit crunch and a loss of confidence among investors and consumers alike.
Understanding how things got so bad means rewinding to the start of the housing boom. Wall Street and the banks made it far easier for people with shaky credit to get a mortgage -- known as a subprime loan.
Investors wanted a piece of the fast-growing mortgage pie, so there was plenty of money sloshing around the market to pay for the loans.
Financial firms sliced up the mortgages and sold them as complex investments, finding eager buyers among pension funds, hedge funds and more who were chasing higher returns and willing to overlook risks.
As long as housing prices went up, the strategy worked. When they began to crumble, so did financial stability.
The same people who made a financial stretch to buy their homes are now defaulting on the loans at alarming rates. Many are "upside down" on their loans, meaning they owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth.
Nearly 9 million households now have upside-down mortgages, and for the first time ever, aggregate mortgage debt is bigger than the total value of homeowner equity -- bigger by $836 billion, according to research by Merrill Lynch.
The housing problem set off the dominoes: Surging defaults meant the mortgage-backed securities plunged in value. That dried up the money to fund new home loans, and lenders everywhere became tighter with credit.
Bear Stearns found itself in the cross hairs. Market rumors began to swirl about the size of its exposure to mortgage securities, whether it had ample reserves to cover potential losses. Clients and investors began to demand their money back.
"This problem begins with the fact that we underwrote mortgages sloppily, which means no one really knows what those assets are worth," said Lyle Gramley, a former Federal Reserve governor and now an analyst with Stanford Financial Group. "That makes bankers very leery, and has resulted in a significant contraction in the availability of credit."
The credit crunch means corporations can't borrow as easily, so they are delaying big projects, which cuts into the job market. And many of the same companies were already smarting from the downturn in housing, which has made many Americans uneasy about their household wealth and caused them to scrimp on spending.
The last time the U.S. economy tilted into recession was 2001. And it was an entirely different animal.
Investors bore the brunt of that downturn as the stock market shook off the excesses of the late-'90s technology boom. Encouraged by their government -- and fortified with tax rebates in their pockets -- Americans kept spending.
Perhaps most importantly, there was no reason for anyone to doubt the stability of the financial system. There was no credit crisis to speak of, and the housing boom had yet to begin.
This time around, no one has declared a recession just yet: By the generally accepted rule, that takes two consecutive quarters of shrinking economic activity. The economy came close to stalling late last year but eked out small growth.
But the lack of an official declaration makes the pain no less real.
"I think the current financial crisis looks to me like the worst one since we got into the Depression," says Richard Sylla, who teaches the history of financial institutions at New York University's Stern School of Business.
Which is not to say this time will be anywhere near as bad -- partly because, economists note, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is a student of the Depression and appears to be steering the Fed toward avoiding the mistakes of back then.
That may be why the Fed moved quickly to back up JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s lifeline loan to Bear Stearns when it neared collapse.
The Fed dusted off other Depression-era tools, too. It allowed securities dealers to borrow directly from the Fed, a privilege once restricted to commercial banks. And it announced it would lend up to $200 billion to investment banks in exchange for the banks' beaten-up mortgage-backed securities.
The idea is to maintain confidence in the American banking system. If that fails -- if more Bear Stearns episodes emerge -- it could gum up the entire economy, historians note.
"No one would trust anybody else, no one would be willing to do business," said Charles Jones, a finance professor at Columbia Business School. "And if that happens, the economy would feel that right away. So the Fed is doing what it can."
Another key difference: Today, the United States is just one piece of a complex global economy. A century ago, an American financial crisis was America's problem. Today, emerging economies provide an extra layer of insulation.
"People are still going to eat in China and India. They're going to be buying clothes and cars and airplanes," says Robert A. Howell, a distinguished visiting professor of business administration at Dartmouth. "So I think it's a whole different ballgame."
A better comparison might be the economic downturn that gripped the United States in the early 1970s, a time now widely remembered for long lines at the pump. Today gas is plentiful, but summer drivers face the scary prospect of paying $4 a gallon.
And as David Rosenberg, chief North American economist for Merrill Lynch, pointed out in an analysis this week, the parallels to the 1970s go much deeper than just the shock of record oil prices, which tripled during the 1973-1975 recession and have seen a similar rise in recent years.
Then as now, food prices rose along with energy. Then as now, declining home prices gave homeowners ulcers over equity. And the dollar, which held up fine in the 2001 recession, is falling now even more than it did in the early '70s -- 9 percent then on a trade-weighted basis, 14 percent in the last year, according to the Federal Reserve.
One other interesting difference: In the downturns between the '70s and today, the baby boomers used their massive buying power to help spend the nation out of the slump. In the 1970s, they were too young. Today, they are focusing on retirement.
"The mid-1970s is the best template," Rosenberg wrote, "if there is any."
If the 1970s truly are a guide, there's a lot farther to fall.
Back then, the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 36 percent from its peak to its trough. Right now, the S&P 500 has only lost 15 percent from its record highs of October 2007.
Finding shelter from this downturn isn't as easy as you might think. So-called private label products -- no-name cereal or crackers usually far cheaper than brand names -- are less of a deal because of soaring commodity prices.
Nearly 90 percent of chief financial officers of global public companies don't see an economic recovery coming until 2009, according to a new survey by Duke University/CFO Magazine.
And that's more than just crystal-ball gazing: If companies see a sluggish recovery, they won't be taking any steps to build their payrolls soon and will remain cautious in how they allocate capital.
So what's the way out?
Former Fed chair Alan Greenspan wrote in the Financial Times last week that the financial crisis -- which he said would likely be the "most wrenching" in the United States since World War II -- would end only when housing prices stabilize.
Already, the Fed has slashed interest rates. It has cut the closely watched federal funds rate, the overnight lending rate for banks, six times since September, from 5.25 percent to 2.25 percent -- two-thirds of the cut coming in the last two months alone.
But the Fed can't work alone. Upcoming tax rebates for millions of people and tax breaks for businesses may give a little relief, but economists think that something will have to be done soon to slow down the number of foreclosures, a cornerstone of the economy's woes.
"We can't have financial institutions not providing credit to the economy," said Eugene White, a professor of economics at Rutgers University. "We have to stop that if we want to avoid a deep recession."
Economists and market historians seem to agree that this is more than a typical, cyclical slump. And the X-factor that sets it apart -- determining how deep the wounds from the mortgage mess really are -- also makes it impossible to map the path of the downturn.
"Financial crises happen, but they always do blow over," Sylla says. "It's a question of how long."
So in the meantime, Americans like Monica Nakamine are planning for a long road ahead.
The 37-year-old took a higher-paying job at a Los Angeles architectural firm, but has been putting the difference in her earnings right into savings. These days she's dyeing her own hair, picking through sales racks when she shops and washing her dog herself, rather than getting him groomed.
And she's considering some drastic actions in case things get worse -- like moving to a cheaper city such as Austin, Texas, and getting rid of her gas-guzzling SUV for a hybrid sedan.
"Certainly I don't want it to get any worse," Nakamine said, "but I know it can."

小心!! 外資又再次喊"15000點"要來了!!

Lee Li :當你看到新聞報導"外資:台股長線上看一萬五點"時,就要特別謹慎小心。檢驗過去外資曾喊過台股會漲到幾點的事件,幾乎沒有一件是讓人稱心如意的,因為這種刺激"飛蛾撲火"的技倆是週而復始不停的在股市裏被"背後有目的與動機"的使用!! 尤其是針對條件式的美好展望,很多人就跟飛蛾一樣,只看到遠處光亮(美好展望),卻不知道這光亮的點是火焰(條件式陷阱)!!!

短線外資潛在買盤會有多少?劉至昱表示,選前外資法人並沒有買很多,有別於過去幾年來只要匯到台灣的外資、進場買台股的比重高達七成,今年實際進場的只有二二%,也就是說高達六○至九○億美元的「觀望(wait and see)資金」,正停泊(park)著準備進場。
摩 根大通證券台灣區董事長林照寰表示,這次總統大選有三項意涵:一是由於選舉結果差距拉大到二二一萬票,可以確保台股在五二○前不會有太大風險;二是關於三 通或兩岸共同市場等議題,國民黨在先前國共會談裡頭已觸及細節部分,預料開放速度會讓外界訝異;三是針對外界對於「馬英九不沾鍋」的新手上路問題,國民黨 內部治國人才濟濟,不必擔心。



Lee Li :


".....我們認為這些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,他們都從他們的造物主 那邊被賦予了某些不可轉讓的權利,其中包括生命權、自由權和追求幸福的權利。為了保障這些權利,所以才在人們中間成立政府。而政府的正當權力,則系得自被 統治者的同意。如果遇有任何一種形式的政府變成損害這些目的的,那麼,人民就有權利來改變它或廢除它,以建立新的政府。這新的政府,必須是建立在這樣的原 則基礎上,並且是按照這樣的方式來組織它的權力機關,庶幾就人民看來那是最能夠促進他們的安全和幸福的。....."




Fed Cuts Interest; Stocks Soar
Tuesday March 18, 5:41 pm ET
By Martin Crutsinger, AP Economics Writer

Fed Cuts Rates in Most Aggressive Action in Quarter-Century; Wall Street SurgesWASHINGTON (AP) -- The Federal Reserve slashed a key interest rate by three-quarters of a point Tuesday, capping its most aggressive two months of action in a quarter-century in a battle to halt a spreading credit crisis. Wall Street loved it, bursting to its biggest gain in five years.
The strong Fed action seemed to convince investors, at least for now, that the central bank will do whatever it can to keep the country out of a steep recession. The Dow Jones industrial average finished the day up 420.41 points at 12,392.66.
The latest Fed move brought the federal funds rate -- the interest that banks charge each other -- down to 2.25 percent, the lowest since late 2004.
That's important far beyond bank boardrooms. The reduction triggered announcements from commercial banks that they were cutting their prime lending rate to 5.25 percent from 6 percent. This rate is the benchmark for millions of business and consumer loans.
The Fed action was designed to lower borrowing costs and boost spending by consumers and businesses and thus increase economic activity. Economic growth slowed to a near standstill in the final three months of last year as the nation was hit by a series of blows including the credit crunch, a prolonged housing slump, rising unemployment and surging energy prices.
The Federal Reserve has now cut its rate by three-fourths of a percentage point twice this year. The first occurred at an emergency meeting on Jan. 22 and was followed by a half-point cut at a regular meeting on Jan. 30. The three rate cuts over the course of two months represent the most aggressive Fed credit easing since mid-1982 when the Paul Volcker-led Fed was working to get the country out of a deep recession.
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues have now cut the funds rate six times since last September, with the reductions becoming more aggressive since January as the central bank has faced growing turmoil in global financial markets.
The Fed also announced Tuesday that it was reducing its discount rate for banks by a similar three-quarters of a point, pushing it down to 2.5 percent. That cut, which followed a quarter-point reduction on Sunday, was seen as a clear signal that the Fed is ready to supply significant amounts of credit in direct loans to banks and other institutions through its discount window in an effort to stabilize financial markets roiled by the collapse over the weekend of Bear Stearns, the nation's fifth largest investment bank.
"We had been on the brink of the biggest financial meltdown this country had ever seen, but I think the Fed has now turned the psychology around," said David Jones, chief economist at DMJ Advisors. "The Fed is saying it is ready to supply all the emergency credit banks need to get us out of this crisis."
Many analysts said they believed the Fed may cut rates only once more, perhaps by a more ordinary quarter-point at the next meeting, and then sit back and see if economic stimulus checks that will begin arriving at 130 million households in May will do the trick along with the rate cuts to jump-start the economy.
There was opposition to Tuesday's decision, which was approved on an 8-2 vote. Richard Fisher, president of the Dallas Fed regional bank, and Charles Plosser, president of the Philadelphia regional bank, both dissented, preferring less aggressive moves. It marked the first time there have been as many as two dissents since the fall of 2002.
However, there has been no apparent change in the stance of Bernanke and the majority of Fed members that at the moment the greatest threat to the economy is from a possible recession, which may have already started, rather than from inflation that might be kindled by low rates.
"The Fed's statement signaled that the risks still are very much on the downside and they are willing to do whatever is necessary to make sure the economy doesn't slide away," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's
In explaining its actions, the Fed said that it was having to navigate a difficult policy environment that included sluggish economic activity and rising inflation pressures. It said anew that it was prepared to take further actions.
"Financial markets remain under considerable stress and the tightening of credit conditions and the deepening of the housing contraction are likely to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters," the Fed said in its statement.
In Jacksonville, Fla., Tuesday, President Bush said the government will take further action -- if necessary -- to help the sagging economy.
The spectacular fall of Bear Stearns has raised concerns about what other banks might fail as a result of multibillion-dollar losses that began last year with rising defaults on subprime mortgages, loans made to borrowers with weak credit histories. However, two investment banks, Lehman Brothers Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. reported better than expected first quarter results on Tuesday, easing market worries.
Stocks had already been up strongly Tuesday before the Fed action. After the interest-rate cut was announced, stock prices slid lower as investors digested the fine print, then the buying resumed in earnest.
The purchase of Bear Stearns by JPMorgan Chase & Co. was helped by a pledge from the Fed that it would supply a $30 billion line of credit to back up Bear Stearns' assets.
That offer was the latest in a number of unconventional moves the central bank has made, including employing Depression-era procedures to pump cash into the financial system.
In addition to providing support for the Bear Stearns sale, the Fed also announced Sunday one of the broadest expansions of its lending authority since the 1930s, saying it would allow securities dealers for at least the next six months to borrow directly from the Fed. That privilege had been confined to commercial banks.
In other moves, the Fed last week announced that it would lend up to $200 billion of Treasury securities that it owns to investment banks starting March 27 for a period of up to 28 days in return for a like amount of the investment banks' shunned mortgage-backed securities. The Fed also announced recently that it was boosting the size of special loans it has been making since December to commercial banks.



Lee Li 評論:
雖然Fed上週的$200 billions的紓困計畫,但仍然未能及時挽救貝爾斯登(BSC) 投資人的信心危機,貝爾斯登股價上週五重挫47%,至30美元,創下有史以來最大跌幅。


Fed Takes New Steps to Ease Crisis

Sunday March 16, 8:13 pm ET
By Jeannine Aversa, AP Economics Writer

Fed Takes Steps to Ease Crisis, Cuts Lending Rate to Financial Institutions to 3.25 Percent

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Federal Reserve announced a series of new steps Sunday to help provide relief to a spreading credit crisis that threatens to plunge the economy into recession.
The central bank approved a cut to its lending rate to financial institutions to 3.25 percent from 3.50 percent, effective immediately, and created another lending facility for big investment banks to secure short-term loans.
The steps are "designed to bolster market liquidity and promote orderly market functioning," the Fed said in a statement. "Liquid well-functioning markets are essential for the promotion of economic growth."
The new lending facility will be available to financial institutions on Monday.
It will be in place for at least six months and "may be extended as conditions warrant," the Fed said. The interest rate will be 3.25 percent and a range of collateral will be accepted to back the loans.
The Fed also approved the financing arrangement announced Sunday in which JPMorgan Chase & Co. will acquire rival Bear Stearns Cos. The deal valued at $236.2 million, a stunning collapse for one of the world's largest and most venerable investment banks. The Fed will provide special financing to JPMorgan Chase for the deal, JPMorgan Chase said. The central bank has agreed to fund up to $30 billion of Bear Stearns' less liquid assets.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said he was pleased by Sunday's developments.
"Last Friday, I said that market participants are addressing challenges and I am pleased with recent developments. I appreciate the additional actions taken this evening by the Federal Reserve to enhance the stability, liquidity and orderliness of our markets," he said.
The Fed's actions are the latest in a recent string of unconventional steps to deal with a worsening credit crisis that has unhinged Wall Street. And, the action comes just two days before the central bank's scheduled meeting on Tuesday, where another big cut to a key interest rate that affects millions of people and businesses is expected to be ordered.
The "discount" rate cut announced Sunday covers only short-term loans that financial institutions get directly from the Federal Reserve.
Even with the Fed's aggressive moves, economic and financial conditions keep deteriorating.
The Fed in recent days has taken extraordinary steps to help banks and Wall Street investment firms survive the stresses of the credit crisis. Financial institutions have racked up multibillion-dollar losses when mortgage-backed investments soured with the collapse of the housing market.
The Fed this past week also said it would pour as much as $200 billion into big Wall Street banks and investment houses and allow them to put up risky home-loan packages as collateral. This maneuver was intended to bring sorely needed relief in the market for mortgage securities. The Fed also has offered as much as $200 billion in short-term loans to banks and large financial institutions.
AP Business writers Joe Bel Bruno and Madlen Read contributed to the report from New York.





  幸福經濟 V.S. 兩岸共同市場




高雄經驗 V.S. 台北經驗

高雄愛河整治成功看的見,下水道接管率 6.5% → 42%,水質獲得改善結合兩岸親水景觀及綠美化工程,成為高雄新景點。
特別費不起訴 - 品德操守誠信受肯定
特別費起訴 – 公款納入私人口袋,品德操守誠信受質疑。

台灣優先 V.S. 他國優先

用中華民國名義返聯 (但是聯合國的中國代表席次,中華民國已被中華人民共和國取代)



『總統制衡』- 總統主掌國防、外交、國家主權,擁有行政院長、監察委員、考試委員、大法官等等的提名權,可以主張並維護台灣國家的自主權利,避免被中國併吞統一的危險。

『一黨獨大』- 過去令人夢魘、專制獨裁的國民黨黑金隨即復辟,政經情勢會全向中國傾斜,使台灣在國際法上與中國糾纏不清,隨時有被中國軍事威脅統一的危險,那跟投票給中國共產黨有什麼兩樣?

『保護本國勞工的就業機會』- 提出要讓本土企業根留台灣的經濟誘因政策,讓台灣人在台灣繼續有更多的工作機會。

『開放中國廉價勞工』- 直接衝擊台灣就業市場,結果企業家只雇用領最低工作薪資從中國來的廉價勞工,大家的工作要去哪找?

『維持台灣頂尖的醫療水準』- 拒絕讓參差不齊中國醫護人員來台進行醫療就醫的行為,堅持台灣專業訓練的頂級醫護人員保有工作的權利,並維護台灣既有的世界級醫療水準。

『開放中國醫護人員』- 中國廉價醫護人員衝擊醫療就業市場,不但專業水準參差不齊,衛生習慣普遍不佳,更會嚴重影響國人健康與降低台灣醫療水準,你相信中國來的赤腳大夫為你看病嗎?

『維護畢業生的就業機會』- 拒絕承認中國學歷,質疑在中國接受教育會被中國共產黨的獨裁意識型態所洗腦,台灣建立的民主價值將被挑戰,辛苦考試在台灣就讀畢業生的就業機會與權利必須被維護。

『承認中國學歷』- 低學費衝擊國內教育市場,多數高等教育機構將面臨競爭,使更多教師失業;中國學歷造假成風,文憑認證實難執行;如何想像接受共產黨的獨裁意識型態所洗腦的大學畢業生竟然可以報考台灣的公務人員考試?這樣的公務員要如何效忠國家?

『維護台灣農民的權利』- 發表農業政策七大主張,包括提調整稻米收購價格、政府保證收購、確立農產品檢驗認證制度嚴格管制中國農產品的品質,台灣農民才能生存、農業才能發展;農村公園化,放寬農舍興建標準,鼓勵年輕農村子弟回鄉服務;投入農村建設免稅,讓農村發展更有希望,以打造台灣農業的幸福經濟。

『開放中國農產品』 - 目前充斥市面的中國製黑心商品問題已經層出不窮,怎麼可以讓中國製農產品繼續橫掃台灣的農產品市場?低價農產品將讓台灣農民無法生存。台灣消費者一天到晚要擔心買的食物,去餐廳吃的食物是不是重度污染下的中國製黑心農產品,台灣人連吃的食物都要天天擔心,要如何能天天開心過生活?



Lee Li評論:

今天Fed的$200 billion的紓困計畫只是應急之用,受次級房貸風暴影響的關聯產業和公司等之業績不可能從此就會反轉變好,何況下週要發佈的銀行業業績預計是每下愈況 造成次級房貸風暴的"真正病因"還在變本加厲中,而其中緊跟而來的"通貨膨脹"的惡病更是恐怖,其他經濟領域也逐漸進入發病的暴風圈中,其中美國等國家的傳統製造業及其工人在2000年時早已先得病發作了!! 現在美國民主黨的兩位總統候選人也已點出病因所在。台灣亦是在受這"真正病因"的折磨中,只是台灣人大多是麻木不仁了!! 你個人現在感到不樂活,也是這"真正病因"所造成的。你知道這"真正病因"是甚麼嗎?





我也是為人母,育有二子,我和我先生都是客家人.我覺得大家說民進黨濫,但我覺得國民黨更濫.平心靜氣看民進黨這八年,究竟有為人民百姓作了些甚麼事嗎? 我要說"有."

國民黨時代,我們在學校不能說方言,只能說國語(北京話.)民進黨執政不但可說母語,還成立客家電視台.我的父母親,透過客家電視台,因此可以有更多看電 視的選擇.客委會也是民進黨執政後才成立的.我的二兒子在小學時期,因上了母語課,稍為會說一點客家話(我很慚愧,因早些年的大中國意識作祟之下,不認為 也不看重自己母語文化之美,所以沒有教他講更多的客家話.)也因兒子經常參加校內外客語演講和客語歌唱比賽,多少認識一些自己母語的文化.國民黨為了消滅 台灣意識,刻意禁台灣話(此處包含客語,台語,原住民語).我們生在台灣,長在台灣,卻不了解台灣.小學時代,除了知道彰化有大佛和台中有台中公園外,對 中南部一無所知.但是學校的教育,卻要我們熟記長江黃河及隴海鐵路由西至東經過那些城市.至今台北市的多數街道名仍使用中國的地名.Why ??我們對台灣地形地貌文化是如此不了解,卻對秋海棠熟悉的不得了.對台灣歷史僅限於馬關條約割讓給日本,卻可倒背如流中國歷代的朝代名和各朝代所發生的 大小事.何以至此?因為國民黨要消滅台灣文化,強迫我們只能說國語(北京話)和讀中國文化.然而民進黨讓我們可以重新認識,學習屬於自己的母語和在地文 化.

民進黨執政,我們的父母可以領老人年金,對年紀已大卻已無生產能力的老人家也是一個照顧補助.我所住的竹北市,於民進黨執政開始有了免費的中小學營養午 餐,這也幫助了很多繳不起營養午餐費的家庭.我的大兒子是腦性痲痺兒,今年18歲,為了這個孩子我不得不辭去工作照顧他.民進黨執政這段期間,我的大兒子 每月可領少許補助金,同時就醫或至醫院作復健可以減免費用.我們家也因大兒子領有殘障手冊,所以可免繳牌照稅.這些是民進黨執政後才有的施政.我認為民進 黨是有照顧到老,幼,及弱勢者.而國民黨呢?只照顧大財團和大財閥及特定族群.試想退輔會編列多少預算,又照顧多少所謂外省族群?而廣大的勞工,農民,漁 民呢?國民黨有照顧他們嗎?

民進黨八年執政,的確作得不夠好.但是也絕非如藍營媒體說的一無是處.許多國內外資料顯示,台灣這幾年的世界評比,有些項目仍是非常優異的.反倒是藍營媒 體,總是唱衰台灣,刻意忽略台灣的好,而故意放大不太好的部份.原因只因為現在是民進黨執政,藍營媒體不讓民眾了解執政黨也有作一些事.這是所謂第四權應 有的媒體責任嗎?以阿扁的國務機要費,與馬英久的特別費來說,藍營媒體無所不用其極的極盡攻詰與批判阿扁,卻處處幫馬英九想方設法脫罪,媒體這種極端雙重 標準,看在民眾眼裏,真是為台灣的媒體和司法感到悲哀.阿扁以一國元首之尊,不曾以總統的大位作無理的施壓,反倒是馬英九還公開要求檢查官迴避辦案,這是 美國哈佛法學院畢業生的法學素養嗎?如果馬英九認定特別費屬於私款,為何半夜要火速捐出?(況還是捐給他自己成立的敦安基金會)--以常理判斷,如果你我 有千萬私有但合法的財產,需要在半夜急急捐出去?這代表甚麼含意呢?如果特別費真屬私款,那許多將未使用完特別費而交出去之機關首長不就是白癡笨蛋? 如果馬英九的邏輯是對的話,那麼政府應該還給機關首長已繳出去的剩餘特別費---私款,不是嗎?


馬英九對國家的信心度和忠誠度令人懷疑.他對是否仍擁有綠卡的解釋反反覆覆.一個只要五分鐘就可以解決的簡單事情,說了一個月,還說不清楚.企圖矇騙百 姓.一旦當上總統,他是否在施政上反反覆覆,沒衷一是? 我更擔心將國家交給他是一件很危險的事.因為一旦國家有難,他會全力護衛他的國家嗎?還是因有備胎(綠卡)腳底抹油率先跑掉?


馬英九有功自攬,有過推責,完全沒有主管應有的擔單與承擔.這點讓我覺得心寒.這種人格特質實在不配當個國家領袖.遠者如特別費案,使得余文成受罪羔羊. 近者推說一中市場不是他自己說的.(蕭萬長既是馬英九找來的經濟總設計師,則蕭先生說過的政策,馬自當概括承受,不是嗎?)遇到出事,就推給別人,或說謝 謝指教,再不然叫發言人說一些自圓其說的解釋云云.實在很令人費解,該是馬先生站出來的時候,往往卻是發言人在回應問題.在在顯示馬英九的危機處理能力大 大有問題.

馬蕭的一中市場也是我決不會投票給他的原因.一中市場會使得中國勞工大舉來台,我們的老公一定失業.一中市場也使得中國的農產品及黑心食品傾銷台灣,我們 的農民生產沒競爭力,我們會吃到可能致癌的食品,和小孩可能會玩到有毒的玩具.更要命的是承認中國學歷,則我們的年輕人畢業後,不管是公職考試或就業,一 定被跑過來的中國人排擠.一中市場顯示的是台灣未獲益,反倒是深受其害.為甚麼我要支持一個,提出會讓台灣經濟沉淪的政策的總統候選人?

馬英九另一個拿不到我的選票的原因是,他在任何場合,幾乎都看不到他家人的照片或身影.為甚麼?從過去蔣介石,李登輝,連戰,阿扁,游錫堃,謝長廷等等政 治人物,我們有時候會在電視或報紙上看到他們的另一半或家人.而馬夫人呢?在那裡?先進國家如英美日等,非常強調家的核心價值,普遍認同家是一個支持,也 是一個後盾,與安定的力量.馬英九與周美青是留美的博士.一定也肯定這個價值.可是我不曾看到馬英九的家人在一起,只在情人節的舞台上,藍營刻意營造馬英 九夫妻想吻的畫面.其它時候呢?馬夫人在那裡?但是馬英九卻在Long stay時,謊說屋主的女兒拿毛巾給正在沐浴的馬英九,馬自己還說覺得這件事很好玩云云.這在我看來實在是很荒謬也很可笑.站在一個女性的立場,馬應該為 說謊且消費屋主女兒道歉.馬英九的婚姻生活是不是很幸福美滿,屬私領域範圍.但馬英九卻喜歡似有若無的,營造諸如女性對他的性幻想.這是令人感覺很奇怪且 匪夷所思的地方.

我的一些朋友支持馬英九.然而當我問他們為何支持馬英九時,他們總會停幾秒後回答說,馬先生英文很好,出生哈佛名校,有國際觀,很陽光,很喜歡運動,溫良 恭儉讓,有領導人氣質等等.我想選國家元首,決非選男朋友,也不是選外貌協會會長.一個國家領導人,一定要有擔當,有魄力,有誠信,有決心,有願景,勇於 任事,遇事不推諉,作好事不張揚,有國家主權觀念,同時也願意幫助需要幫助的人,有人溺己溺的慈悲心.最重要的是,他要有適任一個國家領導人的人格特質, 我認為謝長廷擁有這些特質,而馬英九沒有.馬英九很多時候是媒體包裝出來的.他其時在高大外表的背後,是很空的,很虛的,沒有料的.

最後一點我會選謝長廷而不會投馬英九的原因是,今年三月12日立法院選舉的結果.這次立委選舉顯示的是,一個經由民主程序所選出來的民主大怪獸.因為國民 黨超過四分之三席次,在立院無從制衡.如果總統再由國民黨的馬英九拿去,不是就是澈底的一黨獨大嗎?(君不見,立法院剛開議,所有的召委,幾乎給國民黨全 拿去,只剩一席給親民黨.)絕對的權力帶來絕對的腐化.民主制度講的是制衡.選謝長廷就是保有最後一點制衡的機制.同時不能讓台灣給國民黨為所欲為,要保 住台灣民主最後一根民主火苗.多少前輩先賢流血流淚的犧牲,才使得我們這一代擁有得來不易的民主制度.我們要珍惜,要傳承給後代子孫.如果總統給國民黨拿 去,則主張終極統一的馬英九,就會將整個台灣送給中國,我們的未來將淪於萬劫不復的境地.



同樣也是一位平凡的母親 誠懇拜託



懇請大家務必投下你的公投票. 拜託 !
公投議題不管返聯入聯的重要性,依敝人的淺見應是跳脫藍綠的思考, 而且應以自己本身和自己後代子孫的利益及自己所選擇做為安身立命的地方做最優先的考慮 以下是我的親身經歷; 我在曼谷一所國際學校教書 在一個同事聚會中 正好有兩位女同事的先生一是俄羅斯人一是巴基斯坦人都在聯合國曼谷分會上班。他們知道我是台灣人就主動跟我提到他們的認知,他們一致認爲台灣遲早是中國的 我問 “ 為什麼 ? “ 答案是 “ 因為你們住在台灣的人自己都搞不清楚自己是誰 是中國人 還是台灣人 所以局外人無法幫忙
又說 “ 你們成為台灣人台灣國只有一個機會, 那就是你們全体能異口同聲的向全世界說出我們是台灣人 不是中國人, 那台灣國才有可能成真.
我想公民投票(公投)是我們小老百姓最基本表達自己意見的管道. 我拜託大家不要放棄你自己的意見, 贊成或反對都要去投票. 投票結果, 假如多數人反對, 那我們就該督促政府(不管誰執政)好好的擬定跟中國統一的條件, 以保障我們的權益. 若多數人投贊成票, 全世界就會聽到, 並知道我們要做台灣人而且要加入聯合國那我們就該督促政府, 並一起努力好好的去讓我們的美夢成真. 若因為大多數人都不去投. 那就是無所謂, 沒意見, 也就是連跟人家討價還價的本錢都沒了, 那就只好乖乖的讓人擺佈吧 !
祝福大家所選擇賴以安身立命的地方! 也祝福大家
p.s. :如果你覺得以上說的值得參考, 就請大家用力的傳吧! 謝謝!



~~~ 這封信,我為你而寫,為自己而寫,也為我的孩子而寫 ~~~

昨天看到新聞報導,我所敬佩的 白冰冰 女士,帶領許多藝人決定支持馬蕭。對於她的抉擇,身為母親,我尊重也能體會她的心情。然而,當我回想當年轟動一時的白曉燕綁架案整個的發展過程,我卻是記憶猶新。
在槍口正對的情況下,他沒有退縮與迴避。 謝 先生大可以撒手不管,讓警方自己處理,而最後的結果,可能是同歸於盡,卓懋祺家五條性命也可能就此消失,更可能重創台灣的國際形象。但是,有人願意離開溫暖的家中,離開安全的環境,去面對一個情緒不穩定、未知、可怖的殺人魔頭——今天換了你我,做得到嗎?
他可以矢口否認當初的承諾,但是他沒有這樣做。即使是對所謂罪大惡極的人, 謝 先生也必須重然諾——因為當初他如何答應對方,他就必做到。雖然後來,因為警方對犯人的刑求以及其他種種因素,讓陳進興的妻舅無罪釋放,從此讓 白冰冰 女士恨謝長廷入骨,即使遺憾,他也仍然必須守住當初的承諾。
今年春節,我和一些台商朋友吃飯。有位台商朋友長年在中國做生意,也落地生根,娶了中 國 太太。當談到台灣總統大選時,我以為他一定是支持馬蕭配,但是他卻搖搖頭,斬釘截鐵的跟我說: