Google+ The DOW's +5% is totally as short covering without mert <g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone> - Lee Li's Speculator Ponders


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The DOW's +5% is totally as short covering without mert

Lee Li :

戰況:Today, the Dow Jones industrials jumps nearly 380 points as Citigroup Inc. says it operated at a profit during the first two months of the year. The Citigroup's says offered investors some hope that the first quarter will show signs of improvement.

觀測到 the truth :The 5% up move today in the DJIA and NASDAQ is totally without merit, due to the facts that this was simply short covering by hedge funds, in the absense of Mutual Fund buying, namely: The Citi comment today before the market opened, which is the spark for today's 5% advance in DJIA, is GROSSLY MISLEADING because it omits the fact that Citi MUST take a huge loss of "Write-Down" of "Toxic Assets" included in its first quarter earnings report for period ending March 31, 2009, thereby creating a huge loss in their upcoming quarterly earning statement for the period ending March 31, 2009. I must aptly pointed out, "You would have to be pretty stupid if you could not show a profit of $8 Billion in two months of lending since Citi is borrowing money at 0.0% and loaning it out at greater than 0.0% !! Marvelous work, Lee Li!!

Moreover, with sharply growing Geopolitcial tensions in the Korean Peninsula for the next two weeks due to the U. S./South Korean War Games being conducted and also the impending ICBM launch by North Korea in BLATANT defiance of the U.S. and Japan.
Look to it!!
