Google+ My Symbolic Vision:Atomic Bomb → PC → Internet → Gdrive for Happy → Joy <g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone> - Lee Li's Speculator Ponders


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My Symbolic Vision:Atomic Bomb → PC → Internet → Gdrive for Happy → Joy

Lee Li:

God's divine will:
Why Gdrive? 就如同造物者創造免費的空氣、陽光、水及土地等給人類等生物生理需求使用一樣,人們不用去製造這些生命生存的必需要素,造物者本以為人們會把剩下來的能量與時間去追求與造物者同等級的Joy(因為 Joy > Happy),但時下的人大多走上歧途去追求世俗的Happy,現在卻搞出一個新世紀經濟大恐慌,到目前人們還不知道這次經濟大恐慌的真正原因所在。


Japan's Lessons:

China's without merit:

The Symbolic Vision of Gdrive:
3年前,我全數轉換到google的系列產品(包括Gmail、Gtalk、Blogger、Gdoc、日曆、筆記本、Youtube 、搜尋、Picasa 網路相簿、地圖等等) ,其產品運作、使用起來非常符合我這理工背景且數理邏輯非常強的腦部之需求(我把腦部當成我的一個小孩,我還有很多小孩)。

My Vision:


Google has been planning to make PCs history

Google is to launch a service that would enable users to access their personal computer from any internet connection, according to industry reports. But campaigners warn that it would give the online behemoth unprecedented control over individuals' personal data.The Google Drive, or "GDrive", could kill off the desktop computer,which relies on a powerful hard drive. Instead a user's personal filesand operating system could be stored on Google's own servers andaccessed via the internet.
The long-rumoured GDrive is expected to be launched this year,
according to the technology news website TG Daily, which described it
as "the most anticipated Google product so far". It is seen as a
paradigm shift away from Microsoft's Windows operating system, which
runs inside most of the world's computers, in favour of "cloud
computing", where the processing and storage is done thousands of miles
away in remote data centres.
The loss of a laptop or crash of a hard drive does not jeopardise the data
because it is regularly saved in "the cloud" and can be accessed via
the web from any machine.
The GDrive would follow this logic to its conclusion by shifting the
contents of a user's hard drive to the Google servers. The PC would be
a simpler, cheaper device acting as a portal to the web, perhaps via an
adaptation of Google's operating system for mobile phones, Android.
Users would think of their computer as software rather than hardware.It is this prospect that alarms critics of Google's ambitions. Peter Brown, executive director of the Free Software Foundation, a charity defending computer users' liberties, did not dispute the convenience offered, but said: "It's a little bit like saying, 'we're in a dictatorship, the trains are running on time.' But does it matter to you that someone can see everything on your computer? Does it matter that Google can be subpoenaed at any time to hand over all your data to the American government?"
Google refused to confirm the GDrive, but acknowledged the growing
demand for cloud computing. Dave Armstrong, head of product and
marketing for Google Enterprise, said: "There's a clear direction ...
away from people thinking, 'This is my PC, this is my hard drive,' to
'This is how I interact with information, this is how I interact with
the web.'"
