Google+ Market +price difference of the Olympic Games effects had been completed and gone in 2007 ! / 奧運正價位差行情在2007年就已走完! <g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone> - Lee Li's Speculator Ponders


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Market +price difference of the Olympic Games effects had been completed and gone in 2007 ! / 奧運正價位差行情在2007年就已走完!

I'd gotcha a more conservative attitude in China's economic development in the day after the Olympic Games.

China's economic is going to full of risks and challenges. In an optimistic boom, the most vulnerable investors always lose self-awareness and preparedness, and these investors are often to become the biggest victims of the economic crisis , so investors still have to take precautions.

The stock price is reflecting the industry company's future earnings and profits, the stock market is usually a leading indicator of the confidence index. Shanghai Stock Exchange in October last year from a high of 6,000 points now dropped below 2,500 points,has been dropping by half, which can sniff out some of China's economic prospects for clues.

China's stock market is more likely to keep the current situation in the short-medium-term future , as its fundamentals are not sufficient to support its stock market to be up.

Since 2007's fall, I have been detecting an "after-the-Olympic syndrome" is going to bring to China's economic "valley effect" as soon as I'd posted the follows:
Why'd Buffett cleared all China Petroleum during Oct. 2007 ?
There is a bear in U.S., isn't it?
US's been giving something up to pay for food !!!
