The only one ultimate goal of all stocks analysis is to explain and predict the price movements. It's necessary that through the algorithms and mechanism to convert data or information into knowledge.
The Algorithms:
Stock prices movement = F(stock value, stock price, the mainstream of market expectations)
Stock Value(MIC)
Fundamental analysis is based on economics, finance, Finance and Investment and other basic principles in determining the stock prices of the basic elements, such as the macroeconomic environment, economic policy, industry development, performance of listed companies, the prospects for analysis, evaluation stock investment value, to determine the stock's reasonable price, make the appropriate investment advice.
M : the judgments of macroeconomic analysis ;
I : Industry research & analysis;
C : the forecasts of the company's financial performance;
Stock Price( S)
Technical analysis is through the stock market behavior to analyze the future trends of stock price method, the daily ups and downs of the stock price changes, through a series of analysis of indicators, presented with a drawing method to determine the future trends of the stock price movements , to determine the best time to trade.
Stocks Picked
View table MICS-Stock Picker .