0、 U.S. GDPt=Ft-6(美國汽車銷售)=G(Xi)=G(失業,油價,消費者資產,消費者實質所得...);
美國汽車銷售是經濟(成長)的先行指標,平均約領先6個月。美國汽車銷售會在今年第4季(後)觸底 → 美國經濟2009年下半年(後)觸底。
Major auto companies reported weak sales ----are strong indications that sales for the industry as a whole may perhaps be the worst in 25 years.
Major auto companies reported weak sales for the month of October on Monday. General Motors Corp. said its U.S. sales plunged 45 percent in October because of weak consumer confidence and tight credit markets. Ford Motor Co. said its sales fell 30 percent, while Toyota Motor Corp.'s dropped 23 percent and a 25 percent decline at Honda, as low consumer confidence and tight credit combined to scare customers away from showrooms.
The data, particularly on manufacturing, support the growing belief that the economy is in recession, hurt by a drop in lending and slower overall spending. But with the Dow Jones industrial average having tumbled more than 14 percent in October -- its worst month in 21 years -- the market priced in a significant falloff in economic activity. Wall Street must now determine whether the selloff in stocks is adequate, not enough or overdone.
一、You're Fooled by Randomness without Perception, and Exposure Yourself to Rising -E(Risk).
Its fears about the spread of troubles beyond banks in the U.S. to Europe and other markets.
And it raised the question:
(1) Which banks are next, and how many? The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has a list of over 110 banks that were in trouble in the second quarter, and that number surely has grown in the third.
(2)What'll happen in Taiwan? The answers have been said in my past analysis---Added value approaching 0;
二、股市走勢是經濟的先行指標 而經濟的預測又是股市走勢的自變數(式)
(1)With investors uncertain about the economy, the market appears to be bouncing along a rocky bottom after falling sharply earlier this month.
(2)We probably are due for some type of a bounce. Bear market rallies can be amazing graces. I think we could get one of those graces sooner than later.
StockPreacher & StockPicker :
股市競爭比戰場還激烈,要買什麼股票?要賣什麼股票?必須要有一一致性、完備性且是決定性的公設(postulate)或公理(axiom)做為股市戰場的作戰準則 --- 低買高賣。
當股價 / 內在價值處於收歛,其趨近於臨界值域下限時是最佳的買入時價區域,也就是:d(P/V) → 0,且d(d(P/V)) > 0 ;
當股價 / 內在價值處於發散,其趨近於臨界值域上限時是最佳的賣出時價區域,也就是:d(P/V) → 0,且d(d(P/V)) < 0 ;
此實證與情報等情資已於MICS-Stock Picker表裡全盤托出,細心的價值投資作戰戰士,請自行察閱。
股市競爭比戰場還激烈,要買什麼股票?要賣什麼股票?必須要有一一致性、完備性且是決定性的公設(postulate)或公理(axiom)做為股市戰場的作戰準則 --- 低買高賣。
當股價 / 內在價值處於收歛,其趨近於臨界值域下限時是最佳的買入時價區域,也就是:d(P/V) → 0,且d(d(P/V)) > 0 ;
當股價 / 內在價值處於發散,其趨近於臨界值域上限時是最佳的賣出時價區域,也就是:d(P/V) → 0,且d(d(P/V)) < 0 ;
此實證與情報等情資已於MICS-Stock Picker表裡全盤托出,細心的價值投資作戰戰士,請自行察閱。
U.S. Manufacurers' New Orders↓/ Auto Companies Sales Are the Worst in 25 Years / 經濟的預測是股市走勢的自變數(式)
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2 則留言:
as we chat over the skype,it certificate your opinion is confirm by the reality.but the life still need to go on.----nickle
Dear Nickle,
Thank you for your dropping in . Yes, "the life still to go on." As thus, we should take the road that never taken, or trave the road less traved. And let's down in the road to pray the amazing grace, and surrend to the divine will.
Lee Li