左圖是"場"與"向量"變化的關係示意圖。V外盤 > V內盤 :手中沒有股票的投資人急著想要買進、擁有股票,此時股市屬賣方市場,價格由賣方主導,甚至惜售,市場特性是量縮驚驚漲,量持續放大,直至暴量旋即達高價;
V外盤 < V內盤 :手中滿手股票的投資人急於想要賣出股票,此時股市屬買方市場,價格由買方主導,甚至 不買,市場特性是量縮價跌,量持續放大,直至暴量長黑;
V外盤 = V內盤 :投資群眾的買賣持股心態與意志趨近於反轉點。
投資人對選舉與520行情充滿想像力與希望,所以在2/1至5/20期間,股"勢"維持V外盤 > V內盤 的慣性,即資金潮向量流向內(V外盤:鈔票→股票),使股"勢"像泡沫一樣一直被資金流吹脹。
5/20至現在,股"勢"反轉變為V外盤 < V內盤 的慣性,即資金潮向量流向外(V內盤:股票→ 鈔票),反應快的投資人早在高價已把股票換成資金流出。
StockPreacher & StockPicker :
股市競爭比戰場還激烈,要買什麼股票?要賣什麼股票?必須要有一一致性、完備性且是決定性的公設(postulate)或公理(axiom)做為股市戰場的作戰準則 --- 低買高賣。
當股價 / 內在價值處於收歛,其趨近於臨界值域下限時是最佳的買入時價區域,也就是:d(P/V) → 0,且d(d(P/V)) > 0 ;
當股價 / 內在價值處於發散,其趨近於臨界值域上限時是最佳的賣出時價區域,也就是:d(P/V) → 0,且d(d(P/V)) < 0 ;
此實證與情報等情資已於MICS-Stock Picker表裡全盤托出,細心的價值投資作戰戰士,請自行察閱。
預測股價走勢仍然是一困難的課題,就像"預測地震"一樣難,股"勢"當下之後(The Moment After Present)是要漲或是要跌更是難預測。
圖中的演算( Algorithms)流程是我股市投資工作實務經驗與學理(向量場、微分方程式、數值分析及回歸分析等)的整合應用彙總,其中"向量場的向量"的應用是掌握投資群眾的心態與意志方向變動的定性定量預測分析方法:
一.V外盤 > V內盤 :手中沒有股票的投資人急於想要買進、擁有股票,此時股市屬賣方市場,價格由賣方主導,甚至惜售以等更高價。市場特性:1.量縮,價驚驚漲 → 2.量放大,價持續上漲 → 3.暴大量,價達波段最高 → 三.。
●多頭市場時,其向量場的向量皆 >0, 而dp/dV外盤 > dp/dV內盤,且(dV外盤*V內盤/dV內盤*V外盤)>0;●大多頭市場時,其(dV外盤*V內盤/dV內盤*V外盤)>1。
二.V外盤 < V內盤 :手中滿手股票的投資人急於想要賣出股票於心目中的高價,此時股市屬買方市場,價格由買方主導,甚至不買以等更低價。市場特性:1.量大價不漲 → 2.量持續縮,價走低 → 3. 量價見波段底點 → 三.。
●空頭市場時,其向量場的向量皆 <0,而dp/dV外盤 < dp/dV內盤,且(dV外盤*V內盤/dV內盤*V外盤)<0;●大空頭市場時,其(dV外盤*V內盤/dV內盤*V外盤)<-1。
三.V外盤 = V內盤 :投資群眾的買賣持股心態與意志趨於反轉點。●屬於整理期,其向量場的向量不屬於多頭空頭的狀況。
為何中國製造優勢遽降 世界工廠時代即將結束?
近年來持續的通貨膨脹衝擊與美元貶值發酵, 國家社會、公司及個人實質獲利已反轉直下.一. 從下面成本效益公式中可以看出:
1.為何"中國製造優勢遽降, 世界工廠時代即將結束?" 答案就在公式裡;
實質獲利B = F(P,Q,C,Rc,Ri) = (PQ - C)/Ri= (PTNQ - C)/Ri= (P$RcQ - C)/Ri
實質營收 = PQ/Ri= PTNQ/Ri = P$RcQ/Ri
實質毛利 = (PQ - Cv)/Ri= (PTNQ- Cv)/Ri= (P$RcQ - Cv)/Ri
實質營利 =﹝PQ - (Cf + Cv)﹞/Ri =﹝PTNQ - (Cf + Cv)﹞/Ri=﹝P$RcQ - (Cf + Cv)﹞/Ri
毛利率 = 1 - Cv/PQ = 1 - Cv/PTNQ = 1 - Cv/P$RcQ
營利率 = 1 - (Cf +Cv)/PQ = 1 - (Cf +Cv)/PTNQ = 1 - (Cf +Cv)/P$RcQ
P:產品價格向量(PTN:台幣報價,P$:美金報價),Q :產品銷售量向量,C :總成本向量,Cv:變動成本向量,Cf:固定成本向量,Rc:台幣/美元匯率,Ri : 物價水準
二. 天上掉下來高獲利的禮物已逐漸消失
由於中國、印度、巴西及俄羅斯等國家新需求的出現, 致原物料和生活必需品的購買成本(Cv↑)隨著原油價格飆漲持續走揚, 加上台幣(RMB亦是)對美元持續升值(Rc↓),造成以外銷導向為主的廠商毛利率和營利率往下走低,且在高通貨膨脹下,經通貨膨脹環比數(Ri↑)的評減調整後, 廠商的實質獲利(B:獲利的實質購買力↓)將比帳面的獲利數字難看多,等大家警覺到廠商的帳面獲利數字每下愈況時,其對應的實質獲利(實質購買力)老早就已經反轉直下了!! 而其從業人員的實質薪資所得與購買力也跟著每下愈況!!
所以 ,近10年來靠給予式的低成本生產優勢來生產商品(尤其在中國),然後銷售到海外市場,以獲得天上掉下來高獲利的禮物已逐漸消失,現在這些廠商又開始像遊牧民族一樣, 陸續遷移到水草豐富的東南亞及印度等地區, 以這種趨勢與模式來看, 最後它們大概只能遷移到非洲.
三. 美其名的全球化、自由化及提升競爭力,其實只是逐水草而居的遊牧民族
一個國家社會經濟太依賴這種遊牧民族逐水草而居的廠商,勢必產生人民與社會的動盪不安, 台灣 , 美國及歐洲等近幾年社會都面臨這種困境 , 廠商是有錢可賺了,可以到處逐水草而居, 但社會卻產生龐大的失業潮與嚴重不均衡問題.社會因此所必須面對與付出的代價,比廠商及其從業人員所累積的營運收益還要大,這種內部成本外部化,且放大化, 是美其名的"全球化"、"自由化"及"提升競爭力"的口號所能彌補的嗎?
四. 發展大腦創作性的生產力經濟
所以,依台灣擁有的地理環境與氣候 ,應該鼓勵青年人發展大腦創作性的生產力經濟,而不是現在這種依靠廠商逐水草而居,且只在生產線上強調競爭力的商品經濟. 而這些逐水草而居的廠商真的有在提升競爭力嗎? 它們這種狹隘的的競爭力大多來自於他國提供低成本的生產因素,也就是水草, 當水草沒了,或變貴了,它們的競爭力就沒了,它們就會再度遷移 ,從台灣遷移到中國,再遷移到東南亞,...... 然後再遷移到非洲.它們的所說的競爭力應該是定義為它們的"遷移速度與技巧"吧! 你若是這種廠商的從業人員,除了實質薪資所得與購買力跟著每下愈況外,也要跟著廠商逐水草而居,你與你的家人生活會穩定幸福美滿才怪!!!
中國的東南沿岸吸引了外資投入中國90%的資金,同時也創造了中國60%的出口產值。廣東省的東莞市更成為中國最大的製造中心,據紐約的經濟研究公司CEIC Data估計,東莞平均薪資由2001年的1284元人民幣,快速成長到2006年底的2594元,成長近1倍。
然 而,生產環境丕變,中國生產基地的廉價優勢逐漸喪失。據彭博資訊報導,生產廉價衣物、鞋類和玩具的E.G.I(Ever-Glory International)公司在中國經營15年,年營業額達7千萬美金,客戶包括了牛仔褲品牌大廠Levi’S以及英國連鎖超市Tesco。 E.G.I公司現年45歲的總裁艾德華.康(Edward Kang)本來考慮將南京廠房遷至內陸省份,但評估結果是在越南的海防(Haiphong)設立新廠,並決定5年內轉移40%中國的產能。他認為中國內陸 省份的勞工經驗不足,且運貨至港口的費用昂貴,並表示「如果我們不能滿足客戶的價格需求,公司的訂單就飛走了。」
成本驟增,對低毛利傳統產 業衝擊最大,但高科技產業也同樣面臨遷廠壓力。近年來,中國出口電腦晶片、電子產品、汽車相關等高科技產品的比重逐漸增加,2007年的出口總值達476 億美元(3478億人民幣),年成長28.5%,是去年中國11.9%經濟成長率最大的功臣。不過,全球最大電腦代工廠的鴻海集團已計劃在2009年前, 將中國沿海生產比重大舉由39%降低至19%,並增加越南生產比重至12%。此外,根據台灣印刷電路板(PCB)上市大廠今年發布的資本支出計畫,也顯示 了在台投資金額將超過大陸投資的現象。
有鑒於數以千計的出口業者均有相同的遷廠思維,瑞士信貸的亞洲首席經濟學家陶冬便在4/29的報告中指出,廣東地區目前佔中國出口30%,但在3年內將關閉1/3的工廠。陶冬更下結論: 「中國產業強勁出口的年代已開始結束。」
隨 著經濟的發展,東南沿岸與內陸省份貧富差距反而突顯,甘肅省都市的平均所得是1437元人民幣,比東莞地區少了1100元,而更偏遠的地區則可能是東莞地 區的1/10。為了縮小貧富差距,中國政府在2000年喊出了企業「西進」的政策,鼓勵企業投資中西部。據中國國家發展委員會資料顯示,中國政府在 2005年花了1兆人民幣,進行70項基礎建設工程,其中包括興建綿延1140公里的青藏鐵路;2006年中國政府又加碼1680億人民幣,興建地區機 場、水力發電廠等基礎建設。
世界銀行的經濟學家趙明(Zhao Min,譯音)認為,中國的運輸系統各自為政且效率差,若能有效整合鐵路、水路與道路三者,將可大幅降低運輸成本,使內陸地區的競爭力大大提升。
相 較中國內陸省份,越南、印度就顯得樂觀多了。據追蹤外資直接投資流向的FDI Intelligence資料顯示,2007年外資到中國中西部投資的金額是116億美元,較2003年的89億美元成長30%。相較之下,越南2007 年吸引外資401億美元,2003年以來成長354%;印度外資直接投資526億美元,成長174%。
浙江禾豐製鞋公司(Zhejiang Hefeng Shoes)在浙江擁有一座1200名員工的製鞋廠,也考慮將生產基地轉至越南,出口部經理雷金(Ray King,譯音)表示: 「各戶都抱怨報價太貴了。」「客戶總是說越南與泰國的供應商報價都比較便宜。」
越 南與印度在吸引低毛利的勞力密集產業上相當積極。越南在2007年開始加入世界貿易組織(WTO),資誠會計師事務所 (PricewaterhouseCoopers)在去年的七月的報告中將越南列為20個新興市場中最具生產競爭力的地區,中國退居第二名。越南勞工平均 每月的工資是104美元,比中國中部的江西省最廉價的勞工還要便宜41%。
仁寶提升Q與降低C(Cf +Cv)的無能為力
B = F(P,Q,C,Rc,Ri) = (PQ - C)/Ri= (PTNQ - C)/Ri= (P$RcQ - C)/Ri
營收 = PQ/Ri= PTNQ/Ri = P$RcQ/Ri
毛利 = (PQ - Cv)/Ri= (PTNQ- Cv)/Ri= (P$RcQ - Cv)/Ri
營利 =﹝PQ - (Cf + Cv)﹞/Ri =﹝PTNQ - (Cf + Cv)﹞/Ri=﹝P$RcQ - (Cf + Cv)﹞/Ri
毛利率 = 1 - Cv/PQ = 1 - Cv/PTNQ = 1 - Cv/P$RcQ
營利率 = 1 - (Cf +Cv)/PQ = 1 - (Cf +Cv)/PTNQ = 1 - (Cf +Cv)/P$RcQ
P:產品價格向量(PTN:台幣報價,P$:美金報價),Q :產品銷售量向量,C :總成本向量,Cv:變動成本向量,Cf:固定成本向量,Rc:台幣/美元匯率,Ri : 物價水準
二、通貨膨脹衝擊發酵 實質獲利已反轉直下
由於中國、印度、巴西及俄羅斯等國家新需求的出現, 致原物料和生活必需品的購買成本(Cv)隨著原油價格飆漲持續走揚, 加上台幣對美元持續升值(台幣/美元匯率Rc走低),造成以外銷導向為主的廠商毛利率和營利率往下走低趨勢,且在高通貨膨脹下,經通貨膨脹環比數(Ri )的評減調整後, 廠商的實質獲利(B:獲利的實質購買力)將比帳面的獲利數字難看多,等大家警覺到廠商的帳面獲利數字每下愈況時,其對應的實質獲利(實質購買力)老早就已經反轉直下了!!
股價是應該要提早反映EPS/Ri的趨勢 , 而不應該只反映虛有其表的帳面EPS.
產品毛利率與營利率低的廠商之營運獲利已受到衝擊 , 尤其毛利率在8%以下的廠商.
從下表仁寶和鴻海的每季獲利率資料,可以看出這樣趨勢三年以前已形成! 仁寶與鴻海等公司的股價走勢也在反應此一趨勢. 仁寶的毛利率大多在5%以下,鴻海也好不到哪裡去! 且往下走低的趨勢慣性已形成.
仁寶(2324) | 季毛利率(%) | 季營利率(%) | 季淨利率(%) | 鴻海(2317) | 季毛利率(%) | 季營利率(%) | 季淨利率(%) |
06/Q1 | 5.11 | 3.41 | 3.69 | 06/Q1 | 5.64 | 3.47 | 5.72 |
06/Q2 | 4.92 | 3.14 | 3.23 | 06/Q2 | 5.52 | 3.39 | 6.33 |
06/Q3 | 4.80 | 3.09 | 3.09 | 06/Q3 | 5.52 | 3.32 | 6.41 |
06/Q4 | 4.76 | 3.05 | 2.89 | 06/Q4 | 5.47 | 3.23 | 6.60 |
07/Q1 | 4.76 | 3.41 | 2.68 | 07/Q1 | 5.49 | 3.72 | 6.36 |
07/Q2 | 4.78 | 3.34 | 2.99 | 07/Q2 | 5.27 | 3.29 | 6.13 |
07/Q3 | 4.79 | 3.33 | 3.06 | 07/Q3 | 5.02 | 3.06 | 6.22 |
07/Q4 | 4.83 | 3.36 | 3.20 | 07/Q4 | 4.78 | 2.87 | 6.29 |
08/Q1 | 4.68 | 2.69 | 3.16 | 08/Q1 | 4.83 | 2.40 | 5.33 |
而大環境的變數Rc與Ri 等是廠商無法加以改變的, 廠商只能提升Q和降低C(=Cf + Cv), 以提升獲利(or 率).
五、仁寶提升Q與降低C(Cf +Cv)的無能為力
我多麼希望仁寶能在提升Q與降低C(Cf +Cv)的管理上下功夫, 例如引進豐田式Just-In -Time管理機制,以提升成本效益,畢竟PC and NB等的產銷存的管理應該不會比豐田生產的汽車複雜吧!!
或是把生產基地遷回台灣 , 台灣Management= F( M,I,T)上中下游整合較具效益與競爭力,若把產銷存等等營運皆採用自動化管理,仁寶的董事長與總經理只要端坐在自家生產的PC前掌控公司所有營運活動,然後把沒有生產效率與附加價值的中階幹部與人員請走路,成本效益一定馬上提升,這樣我一定逢低買進仁寶的股票,且長期持有.
Why'd Buffett cleared all China Petroleum during Oct. 2007 ?
The below will tell you why Buffett cleared all China Petroleum during Oct. 2007 ?
China's export enterprises hav been facing multiple attacks in this year, that are the global economic slowdown , recession in the United States imports, labor costs, RMB appreciation and raw material prices, this "world factory" has been bleaking prospects increasingly.
With low labor cost advantages, such as China's miraculous economic rise, bringing up to tens of thousands of manufacturing plants, but poor external economic environment, these are manufacturing exports has been playing the machine manufacturers to bring the operation of unprecedented crisis. The recent "Time" in a commentary to the days of Guangdong Tianji Wooden Products Co. To explore the object, described the true that China's factories have been facing the crisis .
Tianji annual exports 10 million U.S. dollars of children's toys and furniture, employ a total of 800 blood and sweat of workers. But good times never last, in the past two years, the annual cost of production increased by 30 %, in the highly competitive, simply can not arbitrarily raise prices. The company's chief executive Weilun Cheng said: "We are not a profit, if the next few months the situation is not changed, I will have to shutdown my plant ."
There are some changes, but more change is always more bad. Faced with high labor costs, RMB appreciation and soaring raw materials prices, the situation is bad enough. Coupled with the global economic slowdown and the United States almost full recession, caused an unprecedented test to low-end products manufacturing industry in China , much suffering, tens of thousands of factories may soon close down, hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers will face a dilemma.
U.S. buy 19 % monthly average of about 90 billion U.S. dollars of China exports . But by the end of 2007, as the U.S. economy started to shake, China's export growth Fever (over the past few years the annual growth of 20% or higher) showed a clear slowdown. Compared with a year ago, in February fell 6.5 percent export growth, and economists expected a far cry from the 20%. The setback in exports mainly on the wind and snow caused power outages and traffic delays, but the weak U.S. demand are the worse results. February the total value export to U.S. also a rare decline 5.3%.
Although the world's second largest export country, China isn't like some other countries dependent on overseas trade. 2006 exports of China's GDP accounted for only 36.8 percent, lower than South Korea's 43.2 percent. But China has a very weak international demand, because too many new plans had been building in China in recent years . with getting the funds easily,China's economy roared ahead 10 digits each year, also got a large-scale expansion in heavy industry. For example, China's steel export value jumped 10 times from 2003 to 2007 , the output value increased from 5 billion U.S. dollars to 50 billion U.S. dollar.
In fact, the Chinese government has long aware of an investment bubble is forming. Therefore, in 2004, for economic and environmental factors, the Beijing authorities started to put pressure on the provincial and local officials, restrictions on aluminum, steel and cement factories of the expenditure; state-owned banks stop loans to industry. However, local officials often ignore the stop signal, more factories mean more jobs and more growth, which makes them good in front of their superiors. Not only that, local officials can obtain land for new building permits issued and often his partners ignore the enterprise risk , with the result that the construction of too many factories.
"Time " commented China's over-production as a metaphor for not braking the car. As long as the roads are still smooth, wild car can move forward. Once the run more than one hole in the road congestion, falling from a vehicle tyres will be. In recent years, the global economy thirst, factories have been expanding production capacity. For the period from 2004-07, can see the world's second strong record of economic growth, and strong demand import cheap products from China. But this era has been ending, and most economists have predicted that the global gross national product growth slowed down significantly in 2008. This slowdown, confirmed the Lehman Brothers companies economist Mingchun Sun forecast that this would "expose the Chinese overproduction." Asia Footwear Association Pan Li said : "Only such a big cake, when there are too many people want to eat, certainly some people to starve."
Cost is bound to rise again
In fact, some people have been starving, China's competitive advantage is cheap labour, but this advantage has been more passive. Over the past four years, was known as the "world factory" in China's southeastern provinces, labour costs increased by 50%, but the Beijing authorities passed a new labor law so that the situation only an added burden.
Hong Kong UBS economist Jonathan. Anderson said, China Southern manufacturers believe that the new law will increase labor costs driven by 10-25%. Among other things, the new law work every year of employment, laid off when there is a month of severance pay. Federation of Hong Kong Industries vice president Stanley Lau said: "In the export market continued to decline under the circumstances, if you wish to layoffs, then you will face many problems. Need to pay huge compensation."
The huge cost of raw materials can not be ignored. Although the RMB is slow, but has been keeping the appreciation against the US dollar, with comparing to 12 % appreciation in the passed 18 months , which makes China's exports to the world more expensive.
Factories crisis prognosticate social unrest
Layoffs may be a significant and serious consequences on the economy and society in China . Laid-off workers like the ghost of Legionella, roaming the streets looking for work is bound to make Beijing's economic decision-makers throughout the day worried about political consequences, and widespread social unrest. Lehman Brothers economist Sun said, Because the manufacturer was advanced nearby the cliff, China's stock market has been dropping sharply. Since many stock-listed companies, investing in stocks, stacked profits, Sun said: "A large dropping will make the low corporate profits and lead to a vicious circle."
China's fragile banks system, may be affected by loan delinquency, the impact of the closure of factories. Although the Bank of China in economy, the ability to reduce their accounts on the unusually high proportion of bad loans, but the reduced corporate profits will reduce the borrower's repayment ability. It is difficult to assess the entire banking sector and the manufacturing sector, but it is not difficult to imagine that when the manufacturing sector is unable to return the money ,the lender will been arrested at the situation, a Chinese-style credit crisis will come up.
Of course, the worst case scenario is not always true, the UBS Warburg's Jonathan Anderson may be too pessimistic, but he forecast China's export growth rate dropped by about 25% in 2008. He said: " manufacturers profitability may be facing the final test in 2008. if the manufacturing sector "Soft landing", China may be beneficial to the long run, because it will eliminate operators with low efficiency and promote China's productivity . All business cycle, "foundation time destruction" is inevitable, and now, China's economical policy-makers only can silently pray : " the future foundation will be greater than present the destruction."