Google+ There aren't going to be +Xmas effects, are there? <g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone> - Lee Li's Speculator Ponders


StockPreacher & StockPicker :


股市競爭比戰場還激烈,要買什麼股票?要賣什麼股票?必須要有一一致性、完備性且是決定性的公設(postulate)或公理(axiom)做為股市戰場的作戰準則 --- 低買高賣。


當股價 / 內在價值處於收歛,其趨近於臨界值域下限時是最佳的買入時價區域,也就是:d(P/V) → 0,且d(d(P/V)) > 0 ;

當股價 / 內在價值處於發散,其趨近於臨界值域上限時是最佳的賣出時價區域,也就是:d(P/V) → 0,且d(d(P/V)) < 0 ;

此實證與情報等情資已於MICS-Stock Picker表裡全盤托出,細心的價值投資作戰戰士,請自行察閱。


你可以在最近的分析文章中及MICS-Stock Picker表中挑選到所需要價值投資的股票標的。


There aren't going to be +Xmas effects, are there?

The algorithms of my stock picker are :
【Consumer Real Income→Consumer purchasing power→Consumer Spending→ Companies Orders】→【Stock Price】←【Companies Real Revenue ←Companies Real Profit(EPS)】; Leading Indexes : Red, Lagging Indexes : Black ;


unemployment↑→ Consumer Real Income↓→Consumer purchasing power↓→Consumer Spending↓→ Companies Orders↓】→【Stock Price↓】←【Companies Real Revenue↓ ←Companies Real Profit(EPS)↓】;
Leading Indexes : Red, Lagging Indexes : Black ;

U.S. unemployment problem is serious , long-standing and continuing deterioration/美國失業問題嚴重,且由來已久、持續惡化(Leading Indexes) According to the Labor Department's report:
‧In June alone, employers got rid of 62,000 jobs, bringing total losses so far this year close to a staggering half-million -- 438,000.
‧There were 8.5 million unemployed people as of June, up from 7 million a year earlier.
‧The jobless rate held steady at 5.5 percent after jumping in May by the most in two decades. Still, June's jobless rate was considerably higher than the 4.6 percent of a year ago.
‧The unemployment rate is expected to climb through the rest of this year and top 6 percent early next year.
2.Unemployment and inflation cause consumers real income and the purchasing power to be bad to worse/失業與通貨膨脹造成消費者實質所得、購買力每下愈況(Leading Indexes)
‧Consumer spending accounts for more than 2/3 of U.S. economic activity.
‧with more job cuts expected in coming months, there's growing concern that many people will pull back on their spending later this year.
‧U.S. consumers who are out of work or are nervous about losing their job are likely to trim or cut their spending.They've already become cautious because of higher prices of food and energy.
‧U.S. consumers have been monitoring their budgets more carefully in the face of higher energy prices, falling home values and an uncertain jobs climate. The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that retail sales edged up by 0.1 percent in June, a weaker amount than expected, due to plummeting sales at car dealerships.
3.Companies Orders↓/廠商訂單↓(Leading Indexes)Real Revenue and profit↓/營收獲利數據↓(Lagging Indexes)持續惡化:

台灣電子廠商多半屬於第2、3階供應商,當需求下滑時,客戶為了維持經濟規模,就會採取整合供應商方式,如此將衝擊這些第2、3階供應商。此外,需求減緩, 企業外包的情況就更嚴重。這種外包經營模式除了得面臨到弱勢美元帶來的風險,在中國大陸的營運成本、運費等等也會提高,一連串的因素也影響台灣電子業第 2、3季表現。由於成本提高、利潤降低,企業所面臨到的壓力及衝擊越來越明顯,預估今年第2季營收低於預期,第3、4季業績也將持續惡化。
4.全球股市籠罩在熊市的前沿暴風圈裡,暴跌、大幅振盪不斷(Leading Indexes)‧U.S. : The Dow Jones industrial average dropped below 11,000 for the first time in nearly two years before settling at 11,100.54 Friday. The blue-chip index ended the week down 1.67 percent; the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 0.28 percent; and the Nasdaq composite index fell 1.85 percent.
The three indexes are firmly entrenched in bear market territory, down more than 20 percent from their peaks last fall. The average bear market ultimately leads to a drop of about 30 percent.
‧Taiwan : 先行反應基本面的每下愈況,台股相關廠商的股價從去年秋季起就一路往下修正。自新政府上任以來仍然持續下跌,迄今仍未看到止跌訊號 。台股從 520以來,外資累積已賣超台幣2025億元,指數跌 掉2477.65點,跌幅達 26.62%,跌幅居全球股市之冠。
5.Are there going to be Xmas effects?
Yes, there're going to be Xmas effects, but without the pluses!
