Google+ Starlight Leads My Way / 昴-すばる <g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone> - Lee Li's Speculator Ponders


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Starlight Leads My Way / 昴-すばる

With my eyes closed, I feel the calmness in my heart.
With my eyes opened, I am afraid to look forward to the journey.
The cold night wind is getting colder upon this land in the wilderness.
Along the rugged road my direction is not clear.
Ah ...can't see the bright Moon.
Guiding my way are only the stars.
Ah... road in the wilderness.
Accompanying me alone are the fireflies.
Walking alone in silence hearing only my breathing,
Stepping forward with determination on this rugged mountain path.
Having stepped on thorns, I find calmness amidst bitterness.
Having passed through the solidary wilderness, after darkness it is daybreak.
Starlight fills the skies. I am not afraid of the howling winds.
My heart is full of anticipation, that after darkness it will be daybreak.
Ah...twinkling star
Accompanies my night journey giving me shadow.
Ah...starlight leads the way.
I listen gently to the words of the winds.
With passion, I have to find the ideal, for it means peace.
To chase that dream, fear not the rugged and dangerous path.
Ah...twinkling star
Accompanies my night journey giving me shadow.
Ah...starlight leads the way.
I listen gently to the words of the winds.
With passion, I have to find the ideal, for it means peace.
To chase that dream, fear not the rugged and dangerous path.
Someday someone may follow this path, and this star will also show the way.
